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Matins Devotion: March 7, 2025

Writer: Pastor Hans FienePastor Hans Fiene

“This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of man.” When Adam speaks these words, there’s something almost comically beautiful about it. He speaks with the weariness of a man who has been waiting ten thousand years to find his bride, with the exhaustion of a man who has endured a hundred lifetimes of solitude before becoming complete. And yet, this all happens on the first day. How beautiful is Adam’s restlessness.

And, of course, this beautiful restlessness is a reflection of Christ’s love for His bride the Church. Jesus is divine, of course, and is therefore complete in a way that Adam couldn’t have been without Eve. There is no helper fit for the Son of God in terms of equality. But our Lord desires to be with His bride. One second of His bride straying from Him is like ten thousand years of solitude for Him. And so, our perfect, complete Lord is nevertheless utterly restless. He cannot sit on His throne in heaven and be content. He must come into the flesh, must take the sins of the world upon His back, must suffer and die to find His bride, to wash her clean in His blood, and bring her home into His resurrection glory. That’s the love that Christ has for His bride. That’s the love He has for you. 

So come home to your Lord. Turn from your sins, find peace in His love. It only takes a second to repent and to be received back into the arms that will never grow tired of embracing you, not in ten thousand times ten thousand years.


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