When sin is overwhelming you and you’ve embraced it in return, what do you do? Behold the Lamb of God and repent. Who is Jesus Christ? He’s the Son of God who came into this world to die for you, to receive the condemnation for your sins. And if He needed to receive that condemnation, this means you couldn’t escape that condemnation. You couldn’t rescue yourself from it. You couldn’t hide from the wrath of God. So the only way to escape it is to go where God Himself commands you, to follow that Lamb to Calvary, to rest underneath His cross, to find forgiveness for all your sins. So let go of your idols. Turn from your defiance, your anger, your lust, your greed, your lies, your covetousness, your self-righteousness and pride and find your salvation bleeding down from the cross. Behold the Lamb of God and repent.
And then, when your guilt is howling in your eyes, when you have turned from your sins and you’re terrified that they’re still pressing down on you, still pulling you away from God, in those moments, behold the Lamb of God and rejoice. Who is Jesus Christ? He’s the Son of God who came into this world, ripped your sins out of your heart, breathed His last to destroy them forever, and washed you clean. Who is Jesus Christ? He’s the slain yet risen Lamb, the Lamb who now stands on the throne of God, showering you in the power of His resurrection, giving you the right to live with Him in His kingdom forever. And so nothing can separate you from the love of God anymore. Nothing can keep you out of the arms that made you to embrace you forever. Behold the Lamb of God and rejoice.